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About ERS

Environmental Rangers Society (ERS)was established in 1991 by a group of student volunteers.

It’s motto is “To conserve and preserve”.
The vision statement is “To conserve and preserve what nature has given to mankind and to create a sense of awareness among the students in the campus by cultivating responsibility and educating them on recycling and service to mother nature”.

Our current strength is 95 active members.

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14 January 2006

Upcoming Events...

14th Jan Sat: Lets help grow our future forest!

First potting session! Its time to transfer more baby seedlings into bigger bags for them to grow bigger and taller!We need at least five volunteers. The other volunteers will teach you how to pot these delicate seedlings to ensure their survival. You don’t need to have a green thumb but you definitely must enjoyed getting your hands dirty! (And they certainly will be green with more practice!)

We will fix a Saturday morning each month to carry out the nursery works.

Time: 9.00-12.00 noon.
Venue: Bukit Timah Nature Reserve (meet at the ranger counter)

10th Dec Sat: Mangrove Cleanup

Anyone to interested to go for a mangrove clean-up session at Pasir Ris Park? As we know that school holidays has begun for quite sometime already and the people visiting coastal and river areas are on the increase. The rubbish that has been inconsiderably thrown into these areas most likely end up on the mangrove sites. So we need to make up a group of people to go down there to do a thorough clean up. Its basically just clearing the rubbish that has deposited there, so no special skills are required.

The details of the session is as followed:

Meeting Venue: Pasir Ris MRT Control Station
Date: 10th December 2005, Saturday
Time: 9:00AM
What to Wear: Expendable or Old clothings, shoes (extra socks just in case)
What to Bring: Your own water bottle
What is provided: Guide, Gloves and Trash Bags

The session will end between 11AM to 12PM.


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